Tip of the Month issue No. 5

So far we have posted different ideas on what to shoot and how to shoot and more will come.
Well a lot of you came back and asked what modes should I use for different shoots?!
My first advice is. DON'T use the Auto settings such as Full Auto (Green), Portrait, Landscape, Macro etc. If you have taken the time and invested money to upgrade your camera to get "better images" and you think by buying a SLR camera will do the trick.... Well think again!
You need to think more in debt. As soon as you start learning to use semi Auto modes such as Aperture priority (A / AV) and Shutter Speed (S / TV) ~ See the FREE download above for more information ~ By using these modes you will have the "full" control over the final image. So many of you set the camera on full auto so the camera will record the image for you. The only thing you need to do is to press the shutter button. But sometimes when a great images is produced, you may ask your self: "How did I do that..." The answer is; you didn't, the camera did. Its all luck! But by learning the settings and the modes on your camera you can get the same results every time! My question is then, why have you spent the money on a great camera but are still using the camera auto modes? These modes are actually the same settings as a compact camera, so the final result will be more or less the same also. You are back to square one! Take the time to learn your cameras settings, look at youtube tutorial videos. If you find it hard to understand the function and your camera, why not try and look up some Photography Classes. We have classes going "Get to know your Camera" where you will learn all the main buttons and modes to use. And why not enroll with your local Camera Club. Great way off getting FREE tips and tricks from your fellow Photographers. A great way to start is to download our FREE "Get to know your Camera" tutorial notes. We also sell training DVD's that allows you to follow step by step with your camera and you can train in your own spear time. The DVD "Get to know your Camera ~ The Basic Settings" will go in to more depth of your Cameras modes and settings. 

Happy Shooting
-The Bos Photography Team-